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THEBAB Cliantro Witch Topokki

THEBAB Cliantro Witch Topokki

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Regular price Rp 42.000,00
Regular price Sale price Rp 42.000,00
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The perfect balance of spice and flavor, a new taste for a special meal~

1. The flavor of 'coriander' makes it different from other Topokki.
2. It has health benefits due to the addition of coriander flakes, which are rich in vitamin K.
"A fusion of spices used in Asia and Korean Topokki"
First product launched in Korea (patent pending)

If you want to feel the flavor of cilantro, try Cilantro Witch Topokki

Cilantro Witch Topokki is perfect for those who love spicy food and are looking for a unique and exciting dish to try.


Keseimbangan sempurna antara bumbu dan rasa, rasa baru untuk hidangan spesial~

1. Rasa 'ketumbar' membuatnya berbeda dengan Topokki lainnya.
2. Memiliki manfaat kesehatan karena penambahan serpihan ketumbar yang kaya akan vitamin K.
"Perpaduan rempah-rempah yang digunakan di Asia dan Topokki Korea"
Produk pertama diluncurkan di Korea (paten menunggu keputusan)

Jika ingin merasakan rasa ketumbar, cobalah Cilantro Witch Topokki

Cilantro Witch Topokki sangat cocok bagi Anda yang menyukai makanan pedas dan sedang mencari sajian unik dan seru untuk dicoba.

shipping directly from korea
pre-order 90 days
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